“Those that look up to athletes as heroes must find heroes looking up to God.” Young, impressionable athletes are attracted, as many of us are, to athletes that impress on the court or field. Athletes that impress us with their scoring ability or their leadership in making things happen in a positive way for their team are fun to watch. It’s even more impressive to see someone that uses their sports platform as an avenue to express their faith and trust in a holy God. What comes along with that is an athlete who would have the interest of their teammates success in mind.
A coach will help their athletes focus on the important tasks of a game. The better one that has prepared mentally and physically, the easier and more fun it will be to compete. Colossians 3:17 says, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” When we serve a worthy purpose during competition, what we face is more manageable when our thoughts are on pleasing a holy God in how and why we compete.